Thursday 4 February 2010


These are all the documents we had to complete before we could start shooting:

Location finders checklist:
On this we have to write down each location so the tutors know where we are at any time to ensure we can be kept safe in case of emergencies.

This is basically a schedule of what we are going to be shooting on what day and at what time of the day. It also shows what actors or extras are included in the shoot.

We have to draw up a basic drawing for each shot we are going to use so we have a clear view of what our final product will look like.

Risk assesment forms: We have to assess each location we will be shooting at to make sure we are aware of any dangers that may be around and that we know how to minimise the likeliness of any hazards occuring. Also if there are any risks we have to decide on the severity of them, if there are too many high risk hazards we will not be able to shoot there.

We also have to prepare a synopsis and treatment for our pitch to the tutors who will assess whether we are ready for filming. A synopsis is a brief overview of what we will be creating and a treatment is a more detailed description of it.


In our music video we are doing a narrative/concept based video on the rumours surrounding 2012 when the world is supposed to end. Instead of a typical song we are doing it like a news broadcast and the events that occur during the period from the beginning of the year when people laugh at the idea of the world ending to the final piece when the world ends. There is the beginning scene where someone is smoking a cigarette as the new years broadcast is played to a cheerful tune. The change of tone is signified by the radio changing channel and the beat becoming darker and much more dramatic where we show a close up of a radio being tuned. After this there is a time-lapse shot of a busy section of town as people going about their business oblivious to the events soon to happen. As the broadcasts become more extreme news the beat gets faster, we show the news broadcasters being chased by rioters as the beat reaches its peak. After this it gets slower, as the world slowly dies, there are people watching the final news broadcast in terror and then a final time-lapse of the sun moving across the sky before fading to black.


The first scene is someone rolling a cigarette then smoking it whilst listening to the new years broadcast which is mocking the thought of the end of the world which will be at Kamal’s house. It isn’t a particularly exciting new year’s celebration but it represents someone relaxing not really paying attention to the thought of the impending apocalypse. After this in the song there is a radio tuning sound which is used as a shift in tone from the light hearted style of the first part of the beat to the dark and ominous of the rest, so we will have a close up of a radio changing channels to look as if it is the radio tuning in the song. The next broadcast is saying that the weather is getting hotter so we will show this through people walking along in a vest or t-shirt enjoying the sunshine and someone with headphones on as if they’re listening to the broadcast. After this we will do a time-lapse shot of a busy section of town, so we have to film a static shot in this section for about 20-30minutes and when it comes to editing we will speed it up. We also have another time lapse sequence which will be shot outside the church next to Christchurch Park of a busy road so we will get lots of cars driving past; these three shots are also representative of people going about their daily routines not really caring about the news reports. However after this there is a huge change in mood with the riot scene where a cameraman is running behind the news reporter away from an angry mob, but he falls down and the camera cuts to black, when it cuts back you see a hand holding a cigarette and people running past the fallen camera man not caring whether he is injured. You then will see the reporter run into a tunnel being chased and there are dead people lying on the floor showing that people are beginning to die and chaos is erupting. The second from last scene is of two people watching what seems to be the final news broadcast in shock and fear, we are going to do an over the shoulder shot so the viewer feels like they are standing behind them watching the news. Finally we are doing a time-lapse sequence of the sun going down as the news broadcaster announces all hope is lost and to “pray to our eternal sun god”. The scenes are supposed to be sunny and hot because the reason for the earth dyeing is the suns emitting too much heat so we are slowly burning, unfortunately though the weather at the moment is very rainy and cloudy so we will have to try and edit in a way that you can’t tell this. Throughout the video there are no added sound effects or sound from the camera, we were thinking of using the people shouting for the riot scene but then we thought that it would seem more like a film trailer than a music video so we decided we will just have the backing track. The feel of the piece is very dark and ominous even though the start of the song sounds cheerful. There is no particular target audience for this as it is very unique, we decided to move away from typical song like a rap or pop tune so it is hard to tell who the song or video would be aimed at but would be more mature audience rather than very young people. We have used the pace of the song and video as a metaphor for how quickly everything can all go wrong and even though there is no designated times or dates referenced in the piece you get the impression it all happens very quickly. We will require a group of extras of about 10-15 people for the riot scene but with shooting during college times we may struggle to get people away from their lessons.

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