Tuesday 5 January 2010

1 day lip-sync project

For our 1 day lip-sync project we were given a song by the band Abba and had to create a lip-synced music video for it.

In our group we had the song "winner takes it all" so we began with thinking of how to listen to the song because we didnt have enough time to learn the lyrics. We put the song on an ipod and used a wireless ipod dock speaker system so we could listen as we filmed. Afterwards we came up with the base idea of a person going through their day whilst being followed by an unknown character who is singing the song to them. Once we had this idea we built upon it by writing a scene for each section of the song. We began by writing a different scene for each verse but due to time restrictions we had to use the same scene for larger parts of the song. When we had finished filming we then put the project into finalcutpro. The hardest part was editing as we had to get the various clips we had shot to be cut down and go in time with the song. Finally we compressed the video and burnt it onto a disc.

We ran into a few problems during the shooting as one of our group wasn't in college on that day and the other had a doctors appointment which meant it was harder to make a better quality video. As well as this we had a problem with the imacs meaning we also had less time to edit and compress are video.

I think that we did quite well with our video, the lip-syncing was very good and there was sort of a narrative. However if we had more time and there wasn't problems with the crew we could have made it a lot more polished and proffesional.

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