Thursday 4 February 2010

Post production

This is our final cut of the video:

After we had finished our production we had to complete these:

Camera logging sheet:
This sheet marks down what time,location,movement and comments on the shoot recorded.

Shoot order loggin sheet:
This sheet shows the order the shots were filmed in.


In our production we aimed to create an ominous news broadcast style piece which wasn’t a typical music video and verged on a movie trailer feel to it. After watching the final piece I think that our work came out very well, the look and feel of it was very dark and foreboding and even though at first people didn’t quite understand what our video was about once they had seen it again they understood the concept. We had many problems during production. On our first day when shooting the time-lapse sequence we forgot to stripe our tape so everything we had thought we recorded actually didn’t film so we missed out our first day of filming. Also for many of our scenes we needed lots of extras but with recording time being during college time we couldn’t get people out of their lessons, so in the riot scene we had to settle for three people instead of the planned fifteen. Also because our video was supposed to be centred around the earth dyeing because of the sun heating up, but due to our filming time being in winter it was very cloudy and rainy so trying to make the setting appear like out concept was very hard. So there were many continuity errors, such as people are wearing big puffy coats during some shots and the sky looks very grey and dull. We tried to resolve this problem by adding tonal effects on the imacs but it just made it look really tacky. Also after hearing our feedback the only negative feedback we received was that people didn’t get that it was supposed to be a news broadcast, so we tried adding a rolling news reel on the bottom of the screen but because we didn’t know how to use the technology very well it just looked really amateur. Location was also a problem because when we filmed a time-lapse outside the church next to Christchurch park people came out complaining that it was private property which meant we had to persuade them to let us film there. However after looking at the feedback from our group most of it was very positive, everyone liked our use of time-lapse and thought it really added to the effect of the video. As well as this everyone thought that our riot/chase scene was shot very well and it looked that as if the cameraman really fell over whilst running away from an angry mob. I really liked some of our shots as well; the shot of the hand holding a cigarette after the cameraman falls over and people run past him ignoring if he is injured, it was our most professional looking shot and was very proud of it. If we had the chance to re-film our video I would make sure that we had better preparation, for example booked a day with people to make sure that they were free for filming which would have really added to the effect of end of the world chaos. I would have taken the weather into consideration before planning sunny scenery shots which would have come together to make our production look a lot more professional.

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